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The data is collected through simple polls available at THE POLLS page. Any participant can answer the same poll(s) multiple times. Only the last response is logged. This means you can change your answer at any time.
Please note that the polls are only visible to those who have declared their intention to participate. In order to participate, you need to be a registered member of Reddit's exmormon group.
For a more detailed explanation please visit our How does it work? page.
Exmormon Stats requires all participants to be registered users of Reddit's exmormon group. This is so that we can ensure no one can vote more than once on any category, and to ensure the data collected reflects the reality exMormons experience.
If you are a registered member of Reddit's exmormon group, all you have to do in order to participate is click the PARTICIPATE link on the top menu above. You'll then be redirected to an authorization page on Reddit where you will be asked if you want to give us (Exmormon Stats) access to your Reddit username and if you are part of the exmormon group.
You have to click "Allow" in order to be able to participate in our polls.
For a more detailed explanation please visit our How does it work? page.
Yes. Your itentity is as safe (if no more) here as it is on Reddit.
The only reason Exmormon Stats needs to know your Reddit username is to avoid inflating the data when the same person comes back to participate in the same polls again. Knowing your Reddit username allows us to replace your old responses with your new ones, thus preserving the integrity of the data.
And the only reason Exmormon Stats needs to know if you belong to Reddit's exmormon group is because the data collected here relates to exMormons only.
Beyond that, your Reddit information is not divulged in any way to anyone visiting or participating in Exmormon Stats. If your identity is safe on Reddit, it is safer here where no one knows who has participated and much less what their responses to our simple questionnaires were.
For a more detailed explanation please visit our How does it work? page.
Once you've become a participant (see question "How can I participate by adding to the data collected?" above), the PARTICIPATE link on the top menu above changes to say "FINISH SESSION." Clicking it will cause Exmormon Stats to forget your Reddit username.
Additionally, Exmormon Stats remembers your Reddit username for a maximum of one hour after you granted us permission on the Reddit authorization page.
For a more detailed explanation please visit our How does it work? page.
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