This is the page where anyone registered at Reddit's exmormon forum can participate in our permanent polls, adding to the data repository visible at the THE DATA section.

You are seeing this text instead of the actual polls because you haven't started your participation yet. To participate, please click on the PARTICIPATE menu option above and, when redirected to Reddit's authorization page, click on "Allow." At that point you'll be redirected back to this page; only, instead of seeing this text, the actual polls will be presented and you will be able to select the options you feel identified with.

If, after going through the authorization process, you are still seeing this text, it means (a) you clicked on "Decline" instead of "Allow," or (b) you haven't officially joined the Reddit's exmormon forum. This can happen because Reddit's exmormon forum allows anyone (even redditors who haven't joined the subreddit) to participate. Unfortunately, Exmormon Stats only allows participation to redditors who have officially joined Reddit's exmormon forum. If this is your case, please join the Reddit's exmormon forum first.

For a more detailed explanation of how the process worlks, please visit the "How does it work?" option under the ABOUT menu.

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