Reddit's exmormon group is a very lively forum where former members of the Mormon church and others who have been affected by Mormonism share news, commentary and support, as leaving such a controlling institution is a painful and usually lonely process.

Having grown from 65K members at the beginning of 2018 to 220K+ members at the end of 2021, the forum is constantly boiling with energy and participation as more than 100 new people on average register every single day. While this influx of new group members is always positive, it also comes with certain common questions being asked again and again, some times several times a day. Questions about the new spiritual paths members of the forum have taken after leaving Mormonism, for example, have become so frequent less and less members have the desire to respond. Particularly because the answers will never reflect reality since some members answered today's question but not yesterday's or tomorrow's.

That's when the idea of having one central repository of data appeared. If that repository could be connected to Reddit's exmormon forum, then any of its registered members could declare (with exactly the same privacy and anonymity Reddit affords) their stances on those reappearing questions. Then that repository could be referenced every time the same questions are asked again and again in the forum.

Additionally, data would remain persistent in such repository. So the number of exMormons who have moved to other religions or have become atheists, for example, would be more reliable than reviewing the answers to short-lived daily surveys posted by different forum members.

Exmormon Stats attempts to be that repository.

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